Cervical chondrocutaneous branchial remnants: often only the tip of the iceberg


ENT Department, AZ Delta, Wilgenstraat 2, Roeselare, Belgium

B-ENT 2018; 14: 311-313
Read: 1379 Downloads: 856 Published: 28 January 2020

Cervical Chondrocutaneous Branchial Remnants: often only the Tip of the Iceberg. This case study describes a cervical chondrocutaneous branchial remnant (CCBR) in a newborn. This rare, congenital disease manifested as a benign mass on the lateral side of the neck.These masses are typically located in the middle or lower third of the neck, anterior to or over the sternocleidomastoid muscle. The lesions consist of normal skin with a cartilage core. There is no connection to deep underlying structures, but they often adhere to the fascia of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.1 CCBRs are often visible markers of serious underlying anomalies. Up to two thirds of patients have associated anomalies, but prevalence varies widely.2 These anomalies include auditory, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and visual anomalies, in addition to more complex syndromes.1 The treatment of choice for a CCBR is surgical excision. A thorough physical examination and ultrasound study of the abdomen and heart are mandatory to rule out underlying serious anomalies.

EISSN 2684-4907