Mastoid cavity reconstruction with sofradex®-soaked bone pate: how we do it


Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Whipps Cross Hospital, London, United Kingdom.

B-ENT 2018; 14: 191-194
Read: 1030 Downloads: 668 Published: 28 January 2020

Mastoid cavity reconstruction with sofradex®-soaked bone pate: how we do it. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of sofradex-soaked bone pate in mastoid obliteration.

Methodology: We performed an endaural skin incision, harvesting temporalis fascia and tragal cartilage. Bone pate was harvested from the healthy lateral mastoid cortex. The bone pate mixed with Sofradex. Canal wall down mastoidectomy was then performed and the epitympanic space was obliterated with tragal cartilage and the harvested bone pate used to fill the mastoid cavity and reconstruct the external ear canal.

Results: To date, we have performed 132 cases using this technique and have had no post-operative infections. In one case, there was a non-healing ulcer of the epithelium that required revision, but imaging performed 3 months after the initial surgery showed the viability of the bone pate, with no signs of infection.

Conclusion: We have demonstrated an effective method for mastoid cavity reconstruction in primary CWD mastoidectomy, which can reduce the risk of post-operative infections.

EISSN 2684-4907