Case Report

Vocal Cord Paralysis Following Bee Sting: A Rare Case Report


Department of Otolaryngology Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Medicine, Kahramanmaraş, Turkey

B-ENT 2023; 19: 256-257
DOI: 10.5152/B-ENT.2023.221050
Read: 760 Downloads: 518 Published: 06 October 2023

Cardiac, respiratory, and neurological problems may occur after a bee sting. A 58-year-old male patient was admitted to the ear, nose, and throat polyclinic with sudden onset of hoarseness and difficulty in swallowing after a wasp sting in the neck. He had no problems such as shortness of breath or palpitations. The right vocal cord was paralytic in the flexible laryngoscopic examination. There was saliva accumulation in the piriform sinus. The patient was given medical treatment. Symptoms decreased on the 10th day of treatment. In the follow-ups performed 1 month later, it was observed.

Cite this article as: Yıldız MG. Vocal cord paralysis following bee sting: A rare case report. B-ENT. 2023;19(4):256-257

EISSN 2684-4907